Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

We were so excited to have the Broncos in the Super Bowl, but that excitement went out the window with the series for the Broncos and it went down hill from there. We had the Pelton's, Dexter's and Perez families over to watch the game. I really didn't take pictures because as soon as we got home from church, i put stuff out and everyone arrived and then the game went down hill. the most exciting part was when the women had a contest to see if we could fit a whole cupcake would fit in our mouth, the award went to Juliann Pelton, she's a pro at it! We had one 8 year old Seahawk fan at out house and he brought seahawk cookies, we tried to burn one at halftime just to see if that would help the Broncos, and no it didn't help. At least the food was good and there was plenty of it. And our family was pretty styling at church in our orange and blue! Maybe next year!

These were the paper goods, but I never got a picture of the food spread we had.

This was taken a few days before

Jacob was wearing the same shirt the same day also.

Ian and Adam watching the National Anthem being sung

They were mesmerized by it! 

Juliann joined her boys

Ian in a Manning jersey.

Claire and Ian

Makenzie Juliann and Kelly

Makenzie thought it was funny to see so many shoes by the front door.

Makenzie's cupcake attempt

Juliann cheering her on

Burn Seahawk cookie, burn!

My cupcake attempt

Failed and then I spit it out!

Stephanie's attempt


Stephanie looks proud of her attempt!

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